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In Other News: Caleb Williams Stock Falling, The Game Week, and More…

In Other News: Caleb Williams Stock Falling, The Game Week, and More…

Howdy, sports fans, and welcome to this Monday edition of In Other News.

Since this is a column that goes out only on the 5 weekdays, I figure we’ll introduce a new segment for Mondays. It will be a rapid fire snap shot of everything that we didn’t get to cover for the weekend.

So buckle up and get ready for From the Weekend.

Browns Still Alive?

Image via Clevelandcom

The Browns pulse came to a sudden stop when last week the team announced that it would be without its starting quarterback Deshaun Watson for the rest of the season. This put all the pressure on rookie Dorian Thompson-Robinson (DTR).

Long story short – the game was a lull and the Browns offense expectedly struggled, but when it mattered most, DTR made the throws he needed to and lead the Browns on a game winning drive to beat the Steelers 13-10, simultaneously winning over the hearts of the Dawg Pound.

Great moment for the kid.

DTR was very emotional after leading the Browns to a win.

Bears Historic Choke

Image via WGN TV

Tsk tsk tsk. Bears fans. If you need a place to cry, allow me to supply that space for you. I genuinely feel so bad for you. I honestly have no words.

Just take a look:

Moral of the story? Check on a Bears fan today. Tell them you love them and be there for them.

Unless your a Lions fan. Then gloat. Gloat a lot.

Caleb Williams Stock Falling?

Image via The Athletic

UCS falls to their in state rival UCLA to effectively END UCS’s season. This means that USC finishes the year with only ONE ranked win…

Now, if I’m Caleb Williams, I understand being frustrated. I understand feeling that your defense has let you down time and time again.

HOWEVER, the way you carry yourself on and off the field really does mean something to NFL scouts.

Not addressing the media after a loss like this does not make a great impression. Don’t believe me? Ian Rappaport had this to say.

I UNDERSTAND that Caleb Williams is not in the NFL and he’s just 22 years old. However, it’s this pattern of questionable behaviors and statements after losses that really make me question Williams’ professionalism.

Not to mention the whole report of him wanting partial ownership in which ever team drafts him and him threatening to stay in college another year if he doesn’t like the team with the top pick.

The GaMe Week

Image via Land Grant Holy Land

At long last, the tiMe has come. This one week, I’ll let my extreMe bias show. This. Is. Hate. Week.

As (yes I’ll say it) the biggest rivalry in SPORTS coMes to us live from Ann Arbor this weekend, there’s a burning that I’ve been asking Myself.

Is this the biggest Matchup of “The GaMe” that we’ve ever seen?

I honestly think so. There’s so Much personal hate and disgust between not only the fanbases, but the coaches and players themselves that we haven’t seen in years past.

I genuinely believe that Ryan Day and JiM Harbaugh have a hate in their hearts for one another.

I genuinely believe that these players have hate in their hearts for one another, and as not only a sports fan, but also a fan of a teaM in The GaMe, I wouldn’t want it any other way.

So buckle up sports fans. This is going to be one helluva show.


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